Friday, October 10, 2008

Pizza Guy

I have a thing about bankers boxes. They are tidy, organized, surprisingly sturdy, and oh so conveniently stackable. Aaah, organization....

Anyway, I was folding up the lids for my newest bankers boxes, and my darling daughter wandered by to see what I was doing. She picked up one of the lids and yelled "Pizza Box! Pizza Guy!". They do look remarkably like pizza boxes, but still...

(She has also embarrassed the crap out of her loving parents by exclaming "Pizza Car!" when a delivery car drives by with one of those angular signs on the roof.)

I made some "pizza" out of wooden blocks, put it on the lid, and she happily pretended to take it to her Daddy who apparently sometimes sits in the corner of the basement and needs pizza and milk.

Just an example for those of you that don't believe me when I say I don't cook.

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