Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Funny things Husby Said

"Oh, honey, don't worry. You don't make it look easy at all."
-In response to my assertion that people think I've got it made because from the outside, everything I do looks effortless.

"Oh yeah? What kind of car do you drive?"
-In response to my assertion that I'm not stubborn or defiant and that Darling Child probably got those traits from him.

"Well, you need to take a class in 'Nice'."
-In response to my assertion that he needs to take a class in how-to-set-an-alarm.

"We need to think about maybe painting the baby's room."
-Oblivious to the fact that I've shown him the can of paint I bought to paint the baby's room.

"What are you going to do, get a tattoo and dye your hair?"
-In response to my assertion that being 45 years old will be more liberating than 30.

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