A short time ago, Husby was cheerfully musing about the impending arrival of another baby.
"We're going to have two! We're going to say things like 'I have to go pick up the children' and 'I have two children' and things like that."
I put on my most patient expression. "Who is going to take care of all of these children?" I asked. "Who is going to make sure that they have seasonally appropriate clothes that fit, that their fingernails are trimmed, that they have snow boots and snow pants and wear sunscreen? Who is going to feed them nutritionally sound but interesting and creative meals three times a day?"
"Momma!" he crowed, pleased with himself.
"Who is going to get them vaccinated on time, get their pictures professionally taken at appropriate intervals, find affordable but quality daycare, nurture a love of music, reading and learning, teach them not to swear or spit or kick their friends, not to burp at the table?"
"Momma!" he shouted.
"Who is going to know without looking where the bandaids are, which child likes chicken nuggets and which one likes mac 'n cheese, when was the last time this one pooped or that one puked, how long it has been since that one ate a peice of fruit? WHO will do that for all of these CHILDREN?"
"Momma!" he raved. "But who is going to play with them?"
At the same time, in two very different tones of voice, we shouted "Daddy!"
No wonder he's so chipper about the whole thing. I'm making him a new playmate.
It was funny, but as I went through your list of things you must know about your children I'm still doing all of them at nearly age 8. Finger nails trimmed? Check. Shower/bath recently? Check. Is dinner something she will eat? No... do we have mac n cheese? Check. Seasonal appropriate clothes that fit? No... $400 at Land's End? Check. The only one I have gotten away from was the bowel movement schedule. That one does get easier. :-)
I would point out that almost all kids like chicken nuggets and mac n cheese. Of course, I've not taken a poll or anything. But I have yet to meet the child that will turn his/her nose up at either of these, much less both.
You are cracking me up!!!!
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