I have recently been awarded nine letters after my name to signify just incredibly important and smart I am. I am officially Jaime ____, MA, LLPC, NCC. Impressive, aren't I? Yes, I am. Very. I will be available to sign autographs later.
I am also using them as a weapon in my power struggle with Husby, who is struggling to understand my genius. He continues to challenge my authority, despite repeated warnings and reminders that I have nine letters after my name.
"How many letters do you have after your name?" I asked him after he showed casual disregard for my list of things he needed to do around the house.
"Lets see." He counts them on his fingers. "T.h.e. K.i.n.g. O.f. T.h.e. W.o.r.l.d. I count 17, which is way more than nine."
(I'm absolutely certain that Barack Obama does not have to deal with this kind of impertinence with the members of his cabinet.)
One of our intellectually stimulating debates promptly followed, as illustrated succinctly by Calvin and Hobbes:

All Calvin and Hobbes images are copyright © Universal Press Syndicate and the original artwork of Bill Watterson.
So now tell us what all those letters stand for. :-)
Husby is pretty quick on his feet. Not even I could have come up with so many letters that fast & I'm the funny one.
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