Tuesday, June 16, 2009


To Husby

hey honey -

I was just making dinner and got into the spices - I saw the container of Dill Weed and thought of you.

I hope you're having a good day.

(bwah ha ha ha snort ha ha ha ha)

His Answer:

I saw a homeless lady pushing a cart along the river walk shouting profanities....and I thought of you.

Hope you're having a great day.



Anonymous said...

the couple that jokes together pokes together.

i wasn't necessarily trying to be lurid, it just rhymed. the double entendre was just a bonus.

Colleen said...

Hello... is there anyone here? It's been quiet for far too long!

James Shue said...

Just found your blog today... thank Chris for that. And I agree with Colleen that it's been quiet here for far too long. I actually snorted while reading this blog. Thanks for the laugh.

p.s. I posted a link to your blog from mine. More people should see this!

Colleen said...

Sock Monkey is my brother-in-law Jaime! Check out that fantastic pic of him with Riley Roo!!!