Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Speak of the devil...

Ok, dear readers, show of many of you saw this one coming?

Yesterday, I was a totally blissed out stay-at-home-mom. Today, I am defeated, demoralized and dumpy. I am wearing yesterdays pajamas because I can't fit into my Mom-Jeans. I smell. I have a headache, a backache, a neck ache. I have stringy hair and acne. My toes haven't seen nail polish in over a year. Husby just cheerfully said that I look "cute" in his baggy sweatpants. I'm pretty sure he is making fun of me.

So, if anyone was planning on using yesterday's post as a blueprint for how to organize their own lives, I highly suggest thinking twice. Sure, Fat Baby is still adorable, despite having pooped so vigorously this evening that it came out of her diaper and extended past her elbow. (Honestly, how does one poop up to their elbow? I suppose I should have seen it coming because I'm the one that has been feeding her for eight consecutive hours with only one or two breaks. All that food had to come out somewhere, I guess.)

Sure, Darling is still precocious and sweet. Sure, Husby is still a great guy. Sure, I still know that this all goes by really fast and I need to cherish each moment.

But honestly, at this moment in time, I am daydreaming about a time when I can wake up, just once, to something other than the sound of someone screeching to be fed.

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