Monday, September 22, 2008

Things The Baby Did Today, June 23

To Josh:

1. Grew arms

2. Required so many Twizzlers that now Mom feels like crap

3. Ordered "The Last Unicorn" DVD and soundtrack

4. Decided against sushi for lunch after convincing Mom to buy it

5. Took a nap

To Emily:

"I must tell you! I was driving Maeve to daycare this morning when we pulled up next to another Wolfsburg. I said "Maeve! It's another Wolfsburg, like Momma's car." She said "Woof sherg?" So we covered the pronunciation a few times, and she had a pretty good grip on the two parts of the word. Then, she busts out with "Dat car FIERCE." I almost fell out of the car, laughing! She's totally right, but how did she know?"


Emily Wilson said...

I am already hooked!!! I love that I got a shout out on the blog!!! You are so creative and funny...I am so glad you have found an outlet for your awesomeness. YAY!!!!

Emily Wilson said...

I am already hooked!!! I love that I got a shout out on the blog!!! You are so creative and funny...I am so glad you have found an outlet for your awesomeness. YAY!!!!